Stop Making Excuses…Start Seeing Results

Why aren’t you at your goal weight today?

It’s not like you started your fitness journey yesterday…this has been a goal that you’ve been working towards for years.

So why haven’t you achieved it yet?

Now listen really closely to all the reasons that are popping into your mind right now. Grab a pen and paper and jot them down.

These reasons you’re giving for failing to reach your goal are really very clever excuses. So clever that you convinced yourself that they were legit. [Read more…]

Avoid Fat Spillover Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is a big eating day for a lot of you. Tons of carb loaded dishes and sweet treats. I know some of that stuff you only eat just this one time each year.

The last few emails I’ve been talking about the fact that you can’t outwork a bad diet, and that is still 100% true. So am I here to tell you to not eat all that delicious food tomorrow? Nope. Lets be real, it’s happening.

I think it’s unrealistic to expect anyone to eat “perfectly” 100% of the time. [Read more…]

3 Weekend Weight Loss Tricks

The weekend is upon you. Do you have plans? Do those plans include exercising, eating well, and staying fit?

According to some research, women consume about 115 more calories each day over the weekend than they do during the week. Those extra calories can tack on about nine to ten pounds each year.

And I don’t need to tell you that with the arrival of holiday season that 115 extra calories is probably a huge underestimation.

That is why you need a few tips to help you to avoid weekend weight gain: [Read more…]

Holiday Calories and Workouts

It’s that time of year where if you allow it, everything can get in the way of you getting your workouts in.

The average person gains 7-12 pounds during the holiday season.

Of course a HUGE part of that is in the food that is everywhere but just as key is the lack of consistent workouts.

Put at its absolute most basic, you gain weight when you take in more calories than you expend. And if you are eating all kinds of yummy treats (more calories) and not burning anything extra it’s easy to see where those pounds just creep on. Not don’t misunderstand me; you CAN NOT out work a bad diet. [Read more…]

How Will You Achieve Your Goal?

6 Proven Steps to Success – How to Achieve Your Fitness Goal

In Step 1 of the Six Steps to Success formula, you determined the EXACT goal you wanted to achieve (weight, dress size, push-ups, etc.).

Now, in Step 2, you will expand on the statement you began in Step 1. [Read more…]

What You Need to Know About Pink Slime


Pink slime is not a theory or possibility; it’s a fact. There is a picture below that I’m sure you’ve seen. But read on to see how that comes about…’s not pretty and may change the way you see some of the foods you eat.

You as the consumer have a right to know the facts behind what goes into your body.

Maybe you figure that what you don’t know won’t hurt you, but once you know what pink slime actually is, you may think otherwise… [Read more…]

The Speed of Success!

Overnight successes. We all love to hear about them. Long to be one, are looking for the shortcut to make it happen.

But countless successful people in all areas of life have been heard to say a version of this quote:

“It took me 20 years to become an overnight success.”

Tongue in check yes, but the point is valid. People always stand up and notice when others achieve massive success. From an outsiders vantage point in can appear that the success did in fact come overnight! [Read more…]

Mid-Week Motivation

‘Monday Motivation’ I’m sure you’ve heard/read/seen it somewhere, probably in your email in-box.

A lot of us folks that like to help others archive their goals in whatever arena in life like to throw out a shot of motivation on a Monday. I appreciate it and I’m sure you do to.

But what I realized is that most people are pretty motivated and fired up to tackle their dreams on a Monday. It’s MONDAY! The perfect day to begin all new endeavors. All those Monday motivations are basically preaching to the quire.

It’s come Wednesday or Thursday that things can begin to go south and your old habits and patterns want to creep back in. So I want to give you some mid-week motivation.
[Read more…]

The BEST Detox Plan

Back to school time is just about as popular as new years for getting a fresh start on your exercise and nutrition.

I keep seeing all kinds of juicing and “detox” post on facebook and I have to tell you that I am not a huge fan of the typical juice and detox plans I see floating around.

Most equal nothing more than a prolonged laxative effect. Meaning you feel “cleansed” but really it’s not TRULY cleaning you out.
[Read more…]

The Junk Has Got To Go

Today I’m going to dole out a little tough love, so brace yourself and know that this is for your own good. It’s time that we had an uncomfortable little talk about a very important issue…

That junk food in your house.

You know the stuff that I’m talking about. The ice cream jammed into the back of your freezer. The packaged cookies that you say are for the kid’s lunches. The candy stash that’s leftover from the last few holidays.

Those bags of crunchy, salty snacks in your pantry. The bottles of soda that you know you shouldn’t drink. And the list goes on…

Here’s the bottom line: If you eat junk food then you’ll get fat. Junk = Fat. tumblr_m1n1e6uE4d1ro1nudo1_500-192x300

Now I know that you have justified the presence of junk food in your house,so let’s walk through three of these justifications and I’ll shine some truth on it for you.

1) It’s For The Kids: This is the oldest excuse in the book when it comes to keeping junk food in the house. It’s flawed for many reasons, namely because you know you eat some of it.
When junk is in the house you are bound to eat some of it at times. And your kids should NOT be eating junk food on a regular basis, such as in their lunches. It’s not good for them and it’s not good for you.

2) A Little Bit Won’t Hurt: When you keep junk food in the house you’re fooling yourself if you think that you only eat a little bit of it. The contents of your kitchen become the things that you habitually eat. If there’s junk in the house then you habitually are eating it, and a little bit of junk every day adds up to a LOT of junk over a week or month. And you wonder why you haven’t lost the weight yet…

3) Life’s Too Short: YOLO, right? (You Only Live Once) If this is your excuse for having junk food in the house, then I’ve got a new one for you. YOLO, so why not live that life in a healthy, fit, attractive body that’s full of energy, free from aches and pains and looks amazing?! [Read more…]