Free Yourself Friday

We are almost to the 1-week mark of our first OctoberFit challenge.

I wanted this challenge to be about more than just a “transformation” in the popular sense as cool as those are.

So while yes, there are killer workouts and even menus, the focus is on movement and taking care of yourself in all ways.

To keep it fun, each day has a theme and a challenge that goes with it.

I want to share todays challenge with you because it’s not your typical “transformation challenge” type challenge.

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4 Dangerous Words

I Already Know That…..

4 small words that can hold you hostage.

It’s rare these days that I meet someone that knows NOTHING about how to “eat right” and exercise.

I can’t always say that what they “know” is accurate or effective, but they DO know something.

But something strange tends to happen…..I begin to suggest ways that what they are doing might be improved and I often here a version of the four words above:

“Yeah, I know”

“I do that already”
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