Free Yourself Friday

We are almost to the 1-week mark of our first OctoberFit challenge.

I wanted this challenge to be about more than just a “transformation” in the popular sense as cool as those are.

So while yes, there are killer workouts and even menus, the focus is on movement and taking care of yourself in all ways.

To keep it fun, each day has a theme and a challenge that goes with it.

I want to share todays challenge with you because it’s not your typical “transformation challenge” type challenge.

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Peer Pressure. Use It

It’s Monday and Monday’s are made for “fresh starts”.

By now you know that I believe that any given moment is the perfect moment to start fresh. However, a fresh week, month or year has its energy and allure, there is no denying that.

The thing is if every other Monday you are “starting fresh” then maybe it’s time to add something else to your plan.

I’m not talking about a new workout or a new “diet”. I’m talking about good old fashioned peer pressure.

Even though we often associate this as being bad, there actually is good peer pressure and it just might be the thing you need to add to your fitness success formula.

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Monday Motivation and Mindset

Success comes first in the mind.

I’ve been thinking this to myself a lot lately as I tackle training for a physical challenge coming up in less than a month (Tactical Strength Challenge).

There are three things that are a part of the challenge: max number of pullups, maximum weight  you can lift for 1-rep on a deadlift, max number of Kettlebell snatches you can do in 5 minutes.

I’m excited but entirely out of my comfort zone. Like most people, I don’t like to fail.

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So What’s Your Story?

How many times have you told yourself a story about you and then made it come true?

The answer is we all do it, we just may not realize it.

Last week while on vacation in The Dominican Republic I did something I was pretty sure I would never do.  It honestly was not even on my radar of something I would ever do. I just don’t do “those” types of things.

That was my story and I was pretty secure in it.

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The Goals That Don’t Cut It

There are actually goals that are not even worth setting. It leads me to the final reason people fail:

Reason #5 – They Don’t Have Passion

Sometimes this is the case because we pick a goal that has no REAL meaning to us.

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Reason #3 (It Gets Us All)

Every once in a while you hit something right on the head, right off the bat. In most cases, it’s a process.

Which brings us to reason #3 why people fail at fat/weight loss or body recomposition in general:

They give up too soon – Chances are the first time you do something the outcome may not be on par with what you had expected. In fact you may outright fail.

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Info Overload (reason #4)

Have you ever felt like you had SO MUCH to do at home or at work that it made you do NOTHING instead?

An overabundance of tasks or information can be downright paralyzing.

The same can happen with your journey to live healthier and develop the habits of a lean, athletic person.

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OPEN TODAY: Do you Know What Today Is?

Today is Ground Hog’s Day.

But, what I am going to talk about today is the movie, “Ground Hog’s Day.”

Where Bill Murray wakes up every morning only to repeat the same habits and actions each day and he receives the same results.

Hmmm, sound familiar to you?

Later in the movie, he makes changes to his behaviors, responds with new actions, and it opens up all these possibilities for him. He even finds his purpose in life!

How can you apply this to your life?

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A New You For 2016?

I know it’s catchy, I know it an easy marketing slogan but this whole “New Year, New You” bit… could we not?

By all means lets strive to be better than we were yesterday.

Want to be leaner? Let’s do it!

Stronger? You don’t even have to ask me twice; you know I’m all in on that one.

But if we’re going to talk about “NEW” lets talk about a new way to get to those goals.

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YOU Stronger

But first, coffee Find your STRONG.

I was chatting with a friend today and she asked me what my mission was in one sentence.

The first thing that popped to my brain and out of my mouth was that “I want to help women find their strong.”

The strong I’m talking about is 3-fold.

STRONG Physically (YES!) because lifting is awesome and muscles are even more awesomer, ha! I love training hard and pushing my limits and I want to pass that love indexand knowledge on to as many of you as I can.

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