Even Meatheads Need Cardio (workout Wednesday video)

I’m a pretty diehard weights kinda gal. Always have been.

When I turned 16 and got my DL one of the first things I did was join a gym.My parents would only let me join an all womens gym so I signed up for Linda Evans Fitness center (hmm, maybe that was the seed of what I have now).

I remember walking in and going straight to weight machines (they didn’t have free weights) moving the pins down as far as I could and getting after it.

I’d finish with some time on the treadmill and then I was off.

This was way before I really got into studying fitness but I guess even then I intuitively knew that strength training should be my priority.

It still is. And my clients that get the best results know this too.

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Workout Wednesday

The beach is on my mind this week. I’m headed to the Dominican Republic in a few days which means bikinis and shorts for 6 days.

While I have no intention of letting the leanness of my body dictate how much I enjoy myself, putting in a little extra time on the glutes and abs won’t make me sad either.

So that is the inspiration of this very quick and very adaptable Workout Wednesday.

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Sweaty Weekend Workout [Video]

I have a super sweaty new workout for you to try this weekend or the next time you need something you can do at home.

As I’ve mentioned before when I work out on my own at home or at my Sacramento boot camp studio I like to keep my move count to 3-5 most of the time and do about 5 rounds instead of lots of moves and only 3 rounds. Nothing is a hard and fast rule but 8 out of 10 times that’s my go to pattern.

For this workout all you need is a low step. You can go as low as mine in the video (6”) or higher. [Read more…]

Pop Squat and Skate -BodyWeight Workout (video)

Let me tell you about this workout….I headed to my studio to shoot the videos. And that’s all I think of it as; shooting a video, not a workout. I do all my takes, get the angles I want and head back to my home office. A few hours later I start getting a throbbing soreness in my glutes. It kept getting more and more intense until the next day I woke up and I wasn’t sure if I was sore or seriously injured. Truly, It was bad. And every bit of it deep down in my butt cheeks. Nowhere else. [Read more…]

3 Moves. One Killer Workout [Video]

I get asked a lot what I do for my own workouts.

I actually do a nice blend of our boot camp and Beast Mode Squad moves with one exception; When I am on my own I like to keep my workouts to 3-5 moves tops and I do lots of rounds vs lots of moves and just a few rounds each.

It’s not that it’s any better or more effective, it’s just that when I’m working out solo its tough enough to stay motivated. If I have to keep changing moves referring to my notes I would probably loose motivation and bail. Plus I often need them to be fast. And with minimal equipment switching and one-time setup I can usually do 5 rounds of just about any circuit in under 30 minutes. BOOM. Done.

So I keep it simple. A few moves I can remember and then I go!

This one is my new obsession cause it has three things I love: Step-ups, explosive movement and lots of sweat.

You can do this at the gym the next time you’re there or you can do it at home with just a box or chair and a pair of dumbbells.

Scroll below the video for full instructions [Read more…]

Fat Burning Mini-Band Workout

I know you’re busy this week and you may be tempted to skip your workouts but don’t.

That is the perfect recipe for gaining 5 lbs before the New Year (yup it can happen that quick).

I  made a quick video of some moves you can, and even though I went to my boot camp studio in Sacramento ca you can do this same workout at home. All you need is your trusty mini-band. [Read more…]