Now Accepting Personal Training Client Applications

I wanted to let you know about an opportunity for 2 women in the Sacramento area to work with me for individualized personal training.

Aside from one long-time client I have gotten away from personal training but recently I have been doing a bit more of it and am really enjoying it.

However, since it is much more involved and time intensive I can only take a limited amount of women on at one time.

So, I am accepting just 2 women who are super serious about their results and willing to do the work required to get them.

-> Apply Here <-

One of my newest PT clients has lost 13 pounds in her first month!

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Free Yourself Friday

We are almost to the 1-week mark of our first OctoberFit challenge.

I wanted this challenge to be about more than just a “transformation” in the popular sense as cool as those are.

So while yes, there are killer workouts and even menus, the focus is on movement and taking care of yourself in all ways.

To keep it fun, each day has a theme and a challenge that goes with it.

I want to share todays challenge with you because it’s not your typical “transformation challenge” type challenge.

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The Season Of Squash (recipes)

Pumpkin Spice has taken over. I guess that means fall is here 🙂

Now I’m not here to tell you how sugar loaded those PSL lattes are. You already know that right? lady-in-forrest

I mean you haven’t missed that fact that a Grande, nonfat, no whip PSL has 49g of sugar.

And you know that compared to the fact that an adult female should strive for no more than 25g of added sugar a day that PSL is off the charts.

The fact is if you like ’em you’re gonna get ’em right?

Are they a good idea? I’ll hold my opinion to myself.

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